(500) Days of Summer *Does not contain spoilers*

I can easily say that this is one of the best and most realistic rom-coms I have every seen. Let me tell you why…

‘We never remember in chronological order, especially when we’re going back over a failed romance. We start near the end, and then hop around between the times that were good and the times that left pain. People always say “start at the beginning,” but we didn’t know at the time it was the beginning. “500 Days of Summer” is a movie that works that way.’ – Robert Ebert (2012: 181)

Marc Webb’s movie follows a course of 500 days (hence the title) but the narrative is not in chronological order. The two main characters are Summer and Tom. The two fall in love, but let me remind you that this isn’t a typical love story, in fact, it isn’t really a love story at all. The whole movie is performed from the antagonist’s point of view- Tom. This is done to make the audience empathize for him.

I must admit that to watch this film you must give it your full attention as the jumping around from day 488 to day 3 or whatever. The storyline is anything but predictable, which is one of the reasons why this film is my favourite.

Joseph Gordon- Levitt and Zooey Deschanel play Tom and Summer. Tom is a hopeless romantic, and Summer is free-spirited and looking for anything but love (so she says). The pair happen to meet as Summer starts her new job where Tom happens to also work- a greeting cards business.

If you like High Fidelity, you’ll love this. As this also shows the whole relationship from the males point of view. The story of Summer is a mishmash of faultiness which makes it even more easy for everybody to relate to.

-300 words

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