(500) Days of Summer *Does not contain spoilers*

I can easily say that this is one of the best and most realistic rom-coms I have every seen. Let me tell you why… ‘We never remember in chronological order, especially when we’re going back over a failed romance. We start near the end, and then hop around between the times that were good and […]

Narcissistic nominations?

So over the past few days, my Facebook news feed has been full of selfies of women. I started to think my friends and family have all become extremely vain overnight, but after reading the photo captions I then found that the photo’s were to raise cancer awareness.The campaign has been a craze in the […]

The Grand Budapest Hotel

When I found out that the director was Wes Anderson, who is well known for his narrative style, I knew what to expect. If you enjoyed Moonrise Kingdom, then you’ll love this. By still featuring some of Anderson’s visual qualities and ideas, it was easy to imagine how much fun he had directing this film. […]


Hello and welcome to my blog! I am being marked on this blog for the last unit of my course, once this is complete I will have survived my first year at University (go me!!). I’m not used to the whole ‘blogging’ thing as this is my very first blog so please cut me a teeny […]