UNICEF Tap Project shouldn’t be too much of a challenge!

I eat my words, because I must admit that I am one of many people who cannot survive without constantly checking my phone. I proved my point by keeping a media diary last week. But why? is the question. Why has our generation let ourselves get this way, instead of talking face to face, we communicate by text. Instead of sharing our feelings with our close friends, we tell the whole world on social networking websites. Technology now a days has made people lazy (including myself) and sometimes even too lazy to talk to your friends when you go out for lunch.

Unicef have made a fantastic ad that I came across whilst surfing youtube, basically you use their app and challenge yourself to leave your phone alone for as long as you can. If you do well, you will raise money to help provide clean water to those less fortunate.

‘We think we can’t live without our phones. So why don’t we use them to help provide something people ACTUALLY can’t live without? Clean water.’ -Unicef

The longer you last without touching your phone, the bigger the donation. Unicef’s sponsors and donors will make their donation based on the time you lasted. When you’ve finished, the app gives you the option to make a donation yourself.

Personally, I think this is a fantastic way to donate money as almost everybody can relate!

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