How far is this gonna go?!

Following my recent youtube ‘find’ based on social media, this video follows my Unicef advert. I am highly interested in this kind of thing so when it popped up on my facebook news feeds I had to give it a play. The question is, how far is this gonna go? Social media is taking over our lives and theres nothing anyone can do about it. I’m not complaining, in fact I’m admitting that I am someone that does rely on my phone.

The other day I was shopping with my boyfriend in H&M, I got to the till and felt for my phone to check the time. Panic struck. It wasn’t there. I routed through my bag and couldn’t see it anywhere. I emptied my bag contents on the cash desk and still no sight. I started to feel my eyes tearing up. My boyfriend started laughing, he was so shocked to see me so upset about a stupid phone. In the end it was in his pocket. But I am painfully embarrassed to admit that I don’t know where I would be without my phone.

When I think of my iPhone, I think of the many photos it holds, not forgetting my beloved instagram, facebook and twitter. After reading a Guardian article online, it really made me think. These apps hold my name, my contacts and my exact location, they know my relationship status and my history. This is crazy when you think about it, I wouldn’t just tell a stranger in person my personal details, so why tell Facebook?

-262 words


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